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对比,以增强表达效果。一对反义词(组)中如果有一个是生词,教师可以指导学生借助语境线索,将生词的词义反推出来。这时,注意生词前后的but, however, while, on the contrary等过渡词引出的对立关系。


  例如:The boy is not stupid , on the contrary, no one could be more intelligent.

  通过on the contrary可以推断出intelligent 与 stupid意思相反,应该是“聪明的,有才智的”的意思。

  在英语文章中,为了避免重复,作者常用同义词或近义词进行替换。这时要注意or, like, similarly, in the same way等过渡词引出相同或类似的意思。

  例如:It is difficult to believe that there are people who like to destroy or spoil beautiful things.


  b.使用词的定义或定语从句猜测词义(Using definition clues or attributive clauses to guess unfamiliar words) 。例如:

  1. The textbook glossary is a list of new words and phrases we’ve learned in the text.

  根据后半句a list of new words and phrases we’ve learned in the text的解释就能明白glossary的词义是“词汇表”。

  2. Sanctuaries are places where it is against the law to hunt birds and animals.


  c.使用上下文中所举例子为线索猜测词义(Using example context clues to guess unfamiliar words) .。

  这时作者常用连接词for example, such as, in such cases, namely, that is等来说明或阐述前面原先不理解的名词。例如:

  Today young couples who are just forming a new family often spend a lot of their money on appliance such as washing machine, refrigerators, and TV sets.

  这里appliance可能是一个生词但通过由such as引出的这些范例可知它的意思是“家用电器设备”。


  There are two types of fat ,external fat (fat under skin) and internal fat (fat inside the body wall).

  从括号中可知 external fat的意思是“皮下脂肪”,而internal fat的意思是“体内脂肪”。

  d. 运用构词法(合成、派生、转化)识别生词(Using word formation clues to guess unfamiliar words 。

  英语中有不少单词是由两个自由词素构成的合成词。如seabed , mass-produce, homemade, cool-headed等。只要知道两个自由词素的意思就可推断出合成词的意思。


  education ----educate-----educational----educationalist

  二、 略读



  The Kidnapper Who Forgot to Lock the Door

  In the garden of his home in California, Oliver, 14, watched in horror as hi

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